Friday, September 9, 2011

Yup...TJ turned 9!

TJ turned 9 on Aug 12th. He requested we rent the blow up slide....Well he asked if I would buy him one but...renting was what he got!

For the past four months he has been talking about a Pirates Birthday so thats what he got!


Going with the theme I decided to have them all go on a tresure hunt! I didnt get much pictures of the actual hunt because I was busy hidding the treasure! (Dad was picking up the pizza so I was hosting a party alone)

TJ got SUPER SPOILED this year! I swear he got at least $500 worth of legos! and with all the birthday money he bought more legos!

Blowing out the candles...Look dad finally made it to the party! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One LONG 4th of July Weekend...

The first weekend in July was probably one of the longest weekends of my life....Heres a few pics so you can get just a slight taste of what we did all weekend trying to get the salon up and ready to function for Tuesday morning...
 This was the desk that had at least one million pieces and 500 pages of instructions with just words...Meagan and I started it...then had to call in Vince and Jason to help.
 Its a good think I married such a handy man that can fix anything including plumbing my crazy shampoo bowls! Oh look you can see the trailer thats filled with trash...and my new car!
This was one of the bookshelves that I put together...I have three little and three big..they were a pain!
Taylor and Brooke were such good troopers that weekend! They played so well together....for the most part :)

I have to give a HUGE Thank You to Vince and Meagan! They were there all weekend washing walls, cleaning toilets, painting, pulling weeds, steam cleaning with a super fun new toy, putting together hair stations with little instructions and tons of pieces, hooking up my computer, many trips to Lowes and SO SO SO much more! I truely am lucky to have such great family to help and support me in all my life adventures!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Taylor Turned 3!!!

Taylor woke up wanting Cake...I mean it was here birthday! So we stopped at Mcdonalds on our way to the salon and picked up some panCakes!
(Some background...I just opened my own salon and it just so happend that the day before Taylors birthday was the day that we got to get into the location to start getting everything ready. I planned on opening the following Tuesday at 9 so we had to work through the whole 4th of July weekend and Taylors birthday was that Saturday.)
After we ate our breakfast "cakes" I decided that I couldnt take anymore birthday pictures without Taylors hair being we did the birthday girls hair!

Later that evening after working hard all day putting stations and desks and plumbing together we took a break and headed to the park for some chicken and cake. Grandma and Grandpa Carr and Fisher came, and Vince, Meagan and Brooke were in town helping us so they got to come as well. Taylors cousin Emily was in town visiting too!
Taylor was spoiled as usal!

 She loved opening all the presants!

 Her Minney Mouse Cake that she talked about for two weeks before!

Taylor had a special phone call from her brother TJ who was away visiting his mother in Salt Lake for her birthday and...

 A special phone call from Grandpa Park and...

SAMOA...She told Grandma and Grandpa about how she got to play with Brookie all day at the salon!

Monday, March 7, 2011

LIVin it in Vegas!!!

Jana and I had a Liv Skinney confrence in Vegas this last weekend....So we decided why not make a family trip out of it. So we loaded up the campers and headed to Vegas. TJ couldnt miss that much school so he stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Carr.
The girls loved the comfort of having their campers! Obviously I was at the confrence all the time so I didnt get any pics of them playin at Circus Circus, the playground and the swimming pool.
This is Lee...AMAZING MAN!!! The first time I heard him on a team call a little over a month ago I told Jana...I AM going to meet that man some day!...and I DID!!! Lee you are a great example to me and I cant wait to see you in Dallas in a few weeks!!!
This is The Man! The man that created these Amazing products! JEFF TUTTLE!!! This man is a genious! not just saying that! He is so down to earth! Really cares about everyone and wants the world to be healthy! You can feel his love the moment you see him!
Part of the Vernal Team! We are ALL ROCKSTARS!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines day at the Salon...

Every Monday Jana and I go to the salon to clean, sweep, mop, dust, organize, ect...This monday Jana's daughter had a dentist apt so Jana didnt come till about ten thirty. Taylor and I got there bright and early around nine fifteenish....On Saturday we had a little bit of a water leak so the ladies put a trash can under it. This is pretty normal...For the past three years the salon always leakes somewhere... When I got there Monday morning the can was pretty much full!....I started doing all the sweeping and moping and had just finished when Jana arrived. I then started the dusting and organizing of the Boutique. Jana called the landloard and he said he would be right over...and lituraly three min later....He said that he would have one of "his guys" come check it out. Jana then left to run to the bank to get change for the till. While she was gone I had got about 85% of the way finished with all the cleaning and such when the landloard and his guy came back. They climbed up in and out of the ceiling...They chatted amongst themselves for a minute and then the landlord said...(you have to remember that he is chines and talks a houndred miles an hour with that broken english) "You closed today? We fix ceiling today! You open tomorrow!" This was great news....the water leak was right over Rosalies hair and nail stations and another right as you walk in the door. I called Jana told her to get here NOW! I started to load EVERYTHING that I had just dusted and organized and move it to the back room. The land lord then asked if he could walk through the whole salon and check things out (He just bought our building about 4 months ago) Long story short not only are we getting a new ceiling on Saturday he will be putting tile in the bathroom and the backroom and a new cuboard and counter top in the backroom! THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!! Now for the not  so good news....Remember how he said they would be finished Monday night...well...Jana and I went back to the salon around 7:30 last night to put the salon back together....It was a DISASTER!!! I guess the leak was coming from the sprinkling system so it turned into a HUGE project....another long story short....the Salon is closed today...but...NO MORE LEAK!!!

Its hard to tell whats going on because of all the insulation flyin around...

Valentines 2011

I lost my camera two weeks ago so I have no pictures of my Red Family Home Evening dinner with the Homes and Zufelts was still a way fun night anyways!Two days after our Red FHE I FOUND MY CAMERA!!! Taylor must have walked off with it...I found it in her toy bucket...
The day I found my camera the Relief Society Presadent called and asked if I wouldnt mind making some treats for a family in our ward who hasnt been feeling well...of course since I am the RS sec how could I tell her no...Nor did I want to miss a chane to Bake Treats!

I hade TONZ left over so I made an extra plate for Jason to bring to the missionaries that night at his meeting.

Like I said before we had our Red Dinner the week before so this Heart Shaped Pizza from Papa Murphy's is what the Carr Family eat for dinner...Jason said it looked like a regular pizza but with a Bite taken out of the top....

These are my Beautiful Flowers Jason sent to me while I was down at the Salon cleaning....

Happy Valentines Day...

Friday, January 28, 2011


This is what happens when you leave the room for four seconds to grab the sheets out of the dryer....
 I asked her what happend and all she would say was....Owiee Mommy!
 I remember my mom always giving me popsicles when I hurt my lip or mouth in some way...So we pulled out the Dora Popsicles! Dont mind the morning hair!
Mom dont look!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Taylors New Best Friend...

So...You remember them puppies that we puppy sat back in December...well...Jason couldnt stop talking and thinking about them so.....We are the proud new owners of a Male Full Bred Yellow Lab....He has no name yet....His brother belongs to our good good friends the Zufelts and his name is Chesney so we have been toiling with the idea of naming him Kenny....but nothins for certain yet!
 Taylor abosolutely LOVES her new friend. By the time we drove all the way across town last night to pick him up she was already asleep so she didnt get to see him till this morning...hence the morning hair!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Party at the Carrs...

Jason and I decided that we didnt have any plans for New Years so a day or two before we decided to throw a little get together at our new home....We had TONZ of finger food, snacks, drinks and Junk! Im not even kidding you!
 We invited Tyler and Jana and their cute girls Rian and Rickell. Bill was in town visiting and a special surprise he flew in his mother who joined in the fun as well. We also invited Will and Melissa Holfelts. We played phase ten and catch phrase all night!....Whatever you do dont ask Will what phase he is on! Lets just say that Melissa said he will never play that game again!
 While we stopped to shuffle cards for a minute the girls decide to take a dance brake!
We had alot of fun ringin in the new year with our Good friends...Thanx for partyin hard with us guys! Heres to good times and many more to come in 2011!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas with the Carrs...

Christmas 2010...Where do I begin...?
 It started about 6:30...With ME waking up Jason...If only you knew Jason....this is the man that wakes his kids up at 3 in the morning to open presant! anyways...I woke him up at 6:30...he threw alitte bit of a fit about why did I let him sleep so long and that Grandpa Fisher was going to be so mad at him for not calling him at 5 and then he moved on to waking up his children...TJ of coures was already awake and "patiently" waiting for us...Taylor on the other hand...was not so excited to see her dad that early in the morning!
 Santa spoiled our children this year...Lets just say Santa and Mrs. Clause will never go shopping to get a few little things on Christmas Eve EVER again....Santa likes to change his mind last second!

Christmas this year was bitter sweet for Me. I loved waking up in my bed, my home with my little family...but I Really missed the BIG family, the opening of spirital christmas eve gifts from my siblings, the christmas eve "program/peptalk" from the parents, chatting with siblings, watching the clock change days, all the neices, stuffing christmas socks with my sisters, family prayer, all the crazyness, the christmas cook off, moms agenda on the counter, the HUGE piles of wrapping paper, and most of all I missed my parents.
This was my first Christmas without them. I really struggled this year...but thanx to some great friends for spending Christmas Eve with us and an AMAZING husband who knew I needed alittle extra support this year it turned out pretty good!