Every Monday Jana and I go to the salon to clean, sweep, mop, dust, organize, ect...This monday Jana's daughter had a dentist apt so Jana didnt come till about ten thirty. Taylor and I got there bright and early around nine fifteenish....On Saturday we had a little bit of a water leak so the ladies put a trash can under it. This is pretty normal...For the past three years the salon always leakes somewhere... When I got there Monday morning the can was pretty much full!....I started doing all the sweeping and moping and had just finished when Jana arrived. I then started the dusting and organizing of the Boutique. Jana called the landloard and he said he would be right over...and lituraly three min later....He said that he would have one of "his guys" come check it out. Jana then left to run to the bank to get change for the till. While she was gone I had got about 85% of the way finished with all the cleaning and such when the landloard and his guy came back. They climbed up in and out of the ceiling...They chatted amongst themselves for a minute and then the landlord said...(you have to remember that he is chines and talks a houndred miles an hour with that broken english) "You closed today? We fix ceiling today! You open tomorrow!" This was great news....the water leak was right over Rosalies hair and nail stations and another right as you walk in the door. I called Jana told her to get here NOW! I started to load EVERYTHING that I had just dusted and organized and move it to the back room. The land lord then asked if he could walk through the whole salon and check things out (He just bought our building about 4 months ago) Long story short not only are we getting a new ceiling on Saturday he will be putting tile in the bathroom and the backroom and a new cuboard and counter top in the backroom! THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!! Now for the not so good news....Remember how he said they would be finished Monday night...well...Jana and I went back to the salon around 7:30 last night to put the salon back together....It was a DISASTER!!! I guess the leak was coming from the sprinkling system so it turned into a HUGE project....another long story short....the Salon is closed today...but...NO MORE LEAK!!!
Its hard to tell whats going on because of all the insulation flyin around...